Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Random Maranatha People

Every college has them: those people who are infamous for some strange quirk. Usually no one knows their real names because they have nicknames like "Fro Boy" or "Turtle-Back, " etc. Well, here's some of the interesting people at Maranatha:
1) Cowboy Dave: Don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than his cowboy hat, big belt buckle, tight jeans, and cowboy boots. Yeah, tight jeans. =P
2) Ipod Guy: Perpetually listening to tunes in his IPod. Perpetually.
3) Skateboard Boy: Always carries around a skateboard even though we're not allowed to skateboard on campus. What in the world?
4) Midevil Warriors: A bunch of guys from Leland who stage midevil battles while wearing long black capes, foam armor, etc. Wow.
5) Powderpuff: She's shaped like...a powderpuff.
6) Skinny: An extremely skinny guy. Not to be confused with...
7) Slim: A not-so-skinny guy. 'Nuff said.
8) Opie: Pretty sure he's the long lost twin of Opie. "That's some goooood cookin', Aunt Bee!"
9) Kelly: Remember Barbie's younger sister Kelly? She's now a student at Maranatha.
Wow. Seems that most of our quirky people are guys. Hmm.......maybe it's no wonder I'm not dating.


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