Shopping for Triumphant Brass
TheTriumphant Brass girls went shopping again on Saturday. This time we brought David Woolley, Lindsay Fite, and Andrew Artman. Good move on our parts. LOL. They picked out outfits for all of us. It took us seven agonizing hours, but we're done except for polos and jewelry. What a relief. Now we just have to pray that the committee approves everything. LOL.
Some embarrassing moments on our shopping trip:
1) Asking a fellow shopper in H&M about a price on something. She was all, "Uh...I don't work here..." And I was all, "Whoopsie!"
2) Trying to walk in the six-inch heels Andrew made me try on. He was all, "You can do it! I know you can!" Well, pretty much he was wrong. LOL
3) Wandering around H&M wearing a brown and white polka dotted skirt with my neon green polo shirt while Andrew held up shirt after shirt trying to decide if it would go with the skirt while Lindsay and David laughed at me.
4) Getting stopped by one of those guys who want to do your nails and then not being able to understand a word he was saying because of his fake accent.
I'm sure there were more, but I can't remember them. =) Anyway, here are some pics:
L to R: Becky, Rebecca, and me. As you can see we decided to coordinate instead of match. We're wearing brown and the guys are gonna have brown suits with white shirts and purple ties. It's gonna look awesome!
Here you can see our skirts better.
You are all right, those dresses are great! If you have any more pics that you think I would appreciate. . . . .um. . you know where to find me.
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