Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My and Heidi's Adventure

I haven't posted in a while because I didn't have the cord to my camera. But my mom mailed me the cord, so now I can post all the pictures I took. =) On the way back to school from Spring Break, Heidi Williams and I stopped and explored this old abandoned barn we saw in the middle of a field in Indiana. (I love and miss Indiana! LOL.) The thing was literally falling in on itself. It was really fun, and we felt adventurous. =)

I climbed up this old tractor into the second story. In this picture I was leaning back so you could see what was behind/beneath me.

This is what I could see when I climbed up to the second story.

Half of the building had caved in completely. Here Heidi's grabbing onto what used to be a rafter.

This used to be a wall I think...


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