Revival Meetings
This week we are having revival meetings at Maranatha. Will Galkin is preaching. I first heard him the summer before my 9th or 10th grade year, and I remember how convicted I was. I've heard him several times since then, and each time was a real challenge to me. So when I found out he was coming to do our revival meetings I was very excited. His main emphasis this week has been on getting to know God, and let me tell you, that is EXACTLY what I needed. I'm the kind of girl who's grown up in church and a Christian school. I know all the songs, all the Bible stories, all the rules for being a good Baptist girl. I even try and witness to unsaved friends. But when it comes down to my relationship with God, it's extremely shallow. When I read God's Word, it's almost like it's another thing to check off my spirituallity list. When I pray before bed, it's usually for about 3 minutes and then my mind is wandering to things like "Did I remember to set my alarm?" or "What am I going to wear tomorrow?" Will Galkin made a really good point today in chapel. He said something to the effect of our relationship with God should involve our head, our heart, and our will. If we have just a head knowlege of God, we're nothing more than walking Bible dictionaries. If all we give God is our heart, our relationship with Him will be shallow at best; how can we truly have a relationship with God if we aren't willing to find out more about Him? If all we give God is our will, we're nothing more than servants to Him. As for me, I've given God my head: I know a ton of facts about Him. I've given Him my will: I do the right things like go to church and witness to friends. My problem is that I haven't given Him all of my heart. My goal for this year is to get to know God on a more personal basis. I'm going to pray for God to help me dig deeper into His Word and develop a more sincere prayer life. I sincerely hope that this will be a year of true spiritual growth for me.
I'll pray for you as well. Reading this blog actually made me look into my own Spiritual life. Thanks for making me think. I needed that.
Jenn...I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I feel the same way. These meetings have been such a rebuke, but yet a challenge and that was what I needed. I'll be praying for you, if you'll pray for me!
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