Day in the Life of a Music Major
This is a picture of the practice room I was in today. I usually practice in the one two doors down from this one. I think it's kind of humerous how run down the practice rooms are. At first I hated it, but I've rather grown to love these beat up old rooms. Each room has it's own personality. This one is unique because it has a huge desk in it. Also, it has a sink and two mirrors, which are especially handy for the string players who are supposed to practice in front of a mirror. As you can see, we prop the window in this one open with a chair. The one I'm usually in is relatively roomy, which is why I prefer it. The window in it stays open on its own, which is nice, and it has a small desk in it which is handy for storing music in. I'm not really sure why I'm writing a dissertation on the practice rooms' personalities, so I think I'll stop now.

This couch used to live in Burkhart Hall. Unfortunately, the deans have confiscated it for reasons which they have chosen not to disclose. They put up a sign saying that we're not to move it back, so now it lives just a few yards away in the hallway outside 212. I put up a small shrine to it, and lots of people have signed the memorial sheets. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it. For now, though, I must be going!

This couch used to live in Burkhart Hall. Unfortunately, the deans have confiscated it for reasons which they have chosen not to disclose. They put up a sign saying that we're not to move it back, so now it lives just a few yards away in the hallway outside 212. I put up a small shrine to it, and lots of people have signed the memorial sheets. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it. For now, though, I must be going!

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