The Past Few Days
So first of all i just have to mention how gorgeous the past few days have been! (Other than today which was rainy.) We're talking warm weather, sun, the works. The grass in front of Melford is starting to look like it needs to be mowed, and the other day when I went to open my window, I saw this little gem. Some have called it "the official flower of the midwest." I prefer to call it "the official flower of Jennifer Beth Luttrull's childhood." I used to pick these little wretches all the time! Once I picked a whole boatload of them and put them in my brothers sheets which were hanging on the line. Stained em. Probably got spanked (I don't really remember.). To this day I don't know what I was thinking. I was a strange child, that's for sure. Some things never change. LOL.

This is me and my roommate Auna. We matched on Friday so we took a picture. (Yes, Mom, I know I look better with contacts. Sometimes I'm just lazy! He he.)

This is me with Andrea, who was my RA last year. She came up because we did the Elijah thing at her church last Sunday, and on Friday we did it here. Her church came up and sang with us. It was alot of fun. I forgot to get a picutre with her on Sunday so I got one on Friday. = )

This is me and my roommate Auna. We matched on Friday so we took a picture. (Yes, Mom, I know I look better with contacts. Sometimes I'm just lazy! He he.)

This is me with Andrea, who was my RA last year. She came up because we did the Elijah thing at her church last Sunday, and on Friday we did it here. Her church came up and sang with us. It was alot of fun. I forgot to get a picutre with her on Sunday so I got one on Friday. = )

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