Chambers Tour
My choir (the Chambers Choir) leaves for tour on Saturday morning. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I don't really like the large group tours all that well; they tend to be very taxing. But at the same time, I really enjoy the people in my choir, and I've been working really hard these past couple of weeks to get ahead in my classes, so I won't have to take any of my textbooks with me! Woo hoo! (Sorry about that super-huge run on sentence back there. I don't feel like correcting it.) Overall I think it'll probably be fun.
Tomorrow is commencement contest. I'm a little worried because my lungs have been really congested today. Hopefully they will be better tomorrow, because the concerto I'm playing is really low and I'm gonna need alot of air. = )

This is a picture of the Chambers Choir. The picture is too small to see faces, but I'm in the middle of the back row of girls. I'm not really sure why they call it the Chambers Choir, because as you can see, we're a pretty big group. I think it was probably called that when it first got started and the name just stuck. = )