Friday, March 31, 2006

Orchestra Concert

Last night we had an orchestra concert. The trombones didn't play till the last song, which was an hour into the concert. So we sat in the hallway outside Burkhart Hall and ordered a pizza! Pretty funny. Just so happened that it was Maranatha Appreciation Day at Dominoes, so we got our pizza for the low, low price of $5.99! Great deal. Here's the pics:

This is the trombone section scarfing down our pizza.

This is me and some of the winds who were waiting for our turn to play. We didn't even know Adam was in the picture! Jerk. =)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rest of the Band Tour Pics

This is Matt Zajac. He found this jumpsuit in the bathroom at the back of the bus and he wore it all the time. He's so wierd.

This is the wheel of the bus. We got off the bus, and this had formed on the wheel. It's black slushy stuff. Pretty cool.

Joel Stevens drew this picture of James Knies (That's James standing next to it.) Prety good if you ask me!

This is a whole bunch of us at Estes Park. We had just climbed that rock face. I'm one of the ones leaning on a tree.

This is me and James. We rode together that day. He's an interesting character. He was an MK, so that explains alot. (Just kidding, James!) LOL.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Last of the Chambers Pics (I promise!)

This is me and Cathy Brier at our away concert. That was a fun day!

This is me and Hannah Kutz at a rest stop.

This is me and Kelly and Hayley at our away concert. They gave us pizza! Yay! = )

This is me and Christin and Jon Bennet outside a rest stop. This picture is especially cool, because you can see that it's snowing! (If you click on the picture it'll enlarge it and you can see the snow a little better.)

There's quite the story behind this one. You see, our Chambers skirts are extremely long and flow-ish, so they can sometimes get in the way when we're trying to get ready. I came up with this method of eliminating problems caused by long, flowy skirts. I think we look like we're from India...or something.

This is me and Deb Gegerich. (Sorry if I butchered your last name, Deb! LOL.) She's a super fun girl! And we have a ton of inside jokes. (The midgets!!!)

Here we have me and Christin Peterson. She is such a peach! I was on tour with her for Chambers and Band both, so we've really gotten to know each other. = )

This is me and Dan listening to his ipod. He had a headphone splitter, so we sat together on the free seating days and listened to stuff. Super fun!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More Chambers Pics

Okay, so this is about my fifth post about Chambers Tour, but... LOL. I have these pics that I finally got from Dan Howe, so I just had to post them! The computer I'm on is acting kind of wierd, so I couldn't post some of the pictures I wanted to. I have at least one more that I absolutely HAVE to post. It's of me and Kelly. It's hysterical. HYSTERICAL. Okay, maybe it's not CAPS LOCK worthy, but it's pretty funny. Anyway, here are the pictures I've been babbling about:

This is a whole group of us at the restaurant. We got Chicago style pizza, which was delish. Fun times! Oh, I miss these peeps so much!

This is me and my roommate Sarah. She's such a peach! And we got to tour together, which was fun. = )

This is me and Andrew Riis. He's a funny guy, as you can see from the picture. This particular moment was captured while waiting for our cue to enter and sing, if I remember correctly.

This is me and Abigail Utley. I've known her since we were babies, and now we're in choir together! Yay! = )

This is me and Fraser Armstrong on Navy Pier with Chigago in the background. Lovely view!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Band Tour

I'm on band tour just now. I've really been enjoying it so far. Here are some pictures of things that have happened so far:

My first slurpee since this summer! It came with a free tattoo and a free candy straw. Very exciting!

This is a bunch of us girls at Estes Park. Left to right: Lauren, Hannah, Jen, me, Christin, Lydia, and Sam. Notice the gorgeous scenery behind us!

The four of us in this picture went shopping together. It was really fun and I got some super cute sunglasses and a tshirt! Yay! Sam is in front, then in back it goes me, Jen, and Bryndley. (I hope I spelled her name right! LOL.)

This is Joel (in the hat) and Andy (with the glasses). Joel randomly found that hat in the bus and has worn it all tour. Andy got those sunglasses from Sam and wore them while we were playing Phase 10 because he thought they'd help him with his poker face. We tried telling him that we could see his eyes through them, but he didn't believe us.

This is the group I went "hiking" (actually walking along scenic sidewalks) with. Fun group! Left to right: Jodi, Elizabeth, Andy, me, Chip, and Joel is standing in front. (Notice that Chip stole Joel's orange hat for the picture.)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Chambers Pics (Finally)

These pictures are from the MBBC website. I still need to get mine from Dan Howe's computer. So until I do that these will have to suffice.

We went to this ice cream place that had one of those "eat this monstrous amount of food and you'll get it for free!" things. So Riis decided to try it. He didn't succeed, but he still got his name put up on a wall under "attempts." Pretty funny.

Some of the guys got marshmallow guns from one of the houses they stayed at. You stick a marshmallow in that top hole and then blow it at people. Here we have Dan Howe and Jon Bennett terrorizing Dr. Ledgerwood.

This is a big group of us at Navy Pier. We were all walking along the pier in a huge mob of jean skirts and collared shirts. Onlookers must have been thouroughly confused. = )

Chelsie had never eated a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwitch before tour! She tried one and didn't like it. Can't say I blame her! LOL.

We went to a mall for a little while on Saturday, and some of the people went into Pac Sun or someplace like that and dressed up Jon Bennett and Fraser Armstrong. Jon looks like a surfer dude.

And Fraser just looks like a pimp. Or maybe a nerd trying to fit in at a public high California...or something.

I don't really remember what I was doing, other than someone randomly whipped out their camera to take a picture of me, and just as they did, Riis thrust his apple in my face. Whatever it was that was going on, I came out looking pretty funny. = )

If you really want to look at more pictures from Chambers tour, go here.

Dr. Ledge is the Bomb

This post is a small homage to the Chamber Singers' director, Dr. Ledgerwood. Not only is he a phenomenal musician, but he is also a downright funny guy. Today in Chambers we were singing an arrangement of "Take My Life and Let it Be." We were apparently struggling, because he stopped us and said "You need to be more impreccatory!!!" There was a moment of silence before he said, "I don't know what it means either, but it sure sounds cool!" The room erupted in laughter. He's so much fun. Here's a picture of him from Chambers tour. (BTW- There really will be pictures coming soon. I just don't have them yet! Be patient! LOL.)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Goth & Chola

Tonight me and Angelina dressed up really scary. I was goth and she was chola. (Chola is a ghetto mexican.) Pretty scary. Here are the pics:
This is the scariest one of me. Pretty sure I look demon possesed. Mwah hah hah.

Angelina looks like she's telling someone off. She's so funny!

Mexican with an attitude.

Oh yes. Scary hotties.

What can I say about this one?

If I saw us on the street, I think I'd cry. And maybe run. For dear life.

You can't really tell too much, but I even dyed my hair for the occasion! With the kind that washes out in 8 washes, not the permanent kind. It was supposed to be black, but it just made my hair dark brown with a purplish tint to it. Ha ha! I was gonna wash it all out right away, but I was kind of digging it, so I decided to just let it wash out slowly. So my hair's still purplish brown. And will be for about a week! Sweetness! .com! (That was for Deb. Pah hah!)

Pride and Prejudice Party...almost

Last night we were going to have a Pride and Prejudice party, but it ended up being just a party. Long story involving outdated TV's and VCR's and disfuncional cuss busters. Suffice it to say we ended up just watching Princess Diaries 2. It was super fun anyway though! We ordered pizzas, had ice cream. Ah yes. A good evening. Auna pulled some old mattresses out of storage so we laid on those to watch the movie. We projected the movie onto the wall! It was pretty cool. Anyway, here are some pictures:
Stephanie and Sarah. Stephanie didn't want to smile so she made a face. I have no idea what Sarah was doing. Ha ha!

Me and Sarah. Again, no idea what she's doing. Wow, Sarah, wow.

Whoa! Who are those hot mamas? Too bad my sunglasses aren't as cool as Angelina's.

There's all of us who watched the movie together! Yay movie night!

After the movie we went mattress surfing down the basement hallway. It was pretty much the We would run and then dive onto the mattresses. It was wicked fun! When we got bored of that we started mattress surfing down the stairs! Then we had to stop because people were trying to sleep. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Back From Chambers!

Hey everyone! So much has happened since my last post! Thursday (the day of commencement contest) I was really, I could hardly stand I didn't play in commencement contest. In a way it's a blessing, because if I had made the finals, I would have had to keep working on those songs, whereas now I can concentrate more on my platform.
I was so sick on Thursday that I wasn't sure that I'd recover enough in one day to go on choir tour. But the Lord is good. He gave me a speedy enough recovery that I was even able to go to work on Friday night!
Choir tour was amazing! I can't even begin to go into all the blessings I received, was incredible! Each person in Chambers was such an encouragement to me. It was so fun to get to know everyone. So if any of you are reading this, thank you so much!
Well, this has been a longer post than I usually try to do (I don't know about you all, but I always ignore the super long posts! LOL.), so I think I'll close up now. I'll try and post pictures tomorrow night.