Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dome Day!

Hopefully I'll go there this weekend!!!!

We get this Friday off for no apparent reason other than the fact that Dr. Jaspers is possibly the coolest person on the planet! Woo hoo! So I'm coming home! Yay! Hopefully I'll get to hit up the local Starbucks, hang with some friends, watch some soccer (go ICA!), etc. I'm coming home with 3 boys (woo hoo!). Oh yes, this weekend is looking better by the second. One of the boys went to Eagledale, one went to Community, and the other is just a friend from college.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cool little "Get to Know Me" type thingy

I found this on one of my friend's blogs, so I decided to fill it out. It's alot of fun. = )

TEN random things you might not know about me
1. I love to be outside.
2. I love to wear monochromatic outfits. (Black/Gray/White, Brown/Beige/Tan, etc, etc)
3. I met Paul Jr. of the Orange County Choppers!
4. I would love to live in Italy someday.
5. My favorite books are the Bible, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pride and Prejudice, Olivia (the kid's book), etc, etc
6. I sneeze whenever I daydream. (wierd but true)
7. I think I have coffee in my veins instead of blood.
8. Because of #7, I go into convulsions every time I see that beautiful green circle. (...the...Starbucks...logo...)
9. I can circular breathe. (look it up)
10. I am legally blind.

NINE places I've visited
1. Nova Scotia (my favorite place I went this summer. sorry wretch, i know you hated canada. = ) )
2. New Brunswick (beautiful!)
3. Ontario (Toronto was pretty cool. NYC was WAYYY better!)
4. Prince Edward Island (not all it's cracked up to be)
5. New York City! (the best place in the world!)
6. Maine (again, not all it's cracked up to be)
7. Las Vegas (talk about dazzling!)
8. Niagara Falls (the American side is considerably less crowded AND cheaper)
9. Boston (one of my favorite places. i luv big cities!)

EIGHT things I want to do before I die
1. Get married
2. Play in a professional orchestra
3. Swim in the Caribbean
4. Spend a summer in Europe
5. Learn to play the violin
6. Kiss the man of my dreams in the middle of Riverside Park (You've Got Mail!)
7. See my kids get married
8. Write a symphony

SEVEN ways to win my heart
1. "Sweet nothings"
2. Be on fire for God
3. Make me LAUGH!
4. Be passionate about music
5. Be passionate about me
6. Dress preppy
7. Grin for no reason when you look at me

SIX things I’m afraid of
1. Water if I can't see the bottom
2. Being alone
3. Disapproval from someone I care about
4. Spiders
5. That monkey puppet Grandpa Lingle has (I don't know why, but that thing seriously gives me the heebie jeebies)
6. Clowns

FIVE things I don't like
1. Peanut butter
2. When people stress over nothing
3. Legalism
4. 1st hour classes (7:20 AM is way to early for anything)
5. Hoes

FOUR ways to turn me off
1. Act like all you have to do is arrive
2. Refuse to take leadership
3. Have a dangler
4. Chew with your mouth open

THREE things I do everyday
1. Practice
2. Pray
3. Talk on the phone

TWO things I am thinking right now
1. I can't wait till Dome Day!
2. I just spent way too long on this thingy.

ONE person I want to see right now
1. Laney

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I'm all of a sudden in this majorly Christmas-y mood! My roommate was listening to Christmas music this morning in the room (Bing Crosby!), and it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm sooo looking forward to going home and sledding and chilling with friends at Starbucks and etc etc etc. And the malls are so beautiful! And we soooo have to go ice skating at Thanksgiving or something. Yeah. Ice skating. Mmmmm. And hot chocolate! And fireplaces! And Christmas music! And snuggling into a nice warm bed when it's snowing outside! It just can't get any better than Christmas. I cannot wait!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Crazy Days

Yeah, pretty sure this is going to be a crazy week. So it's Monday and I'm already behind in my practice time. Fall Festival is on Friday (it's this big concert) and so we have tech rehearsal tonight for a couple hours. Oh well. I'm actually kind of looking forward to the Fall Festival. My first Chamber's concert! Exciting. Hopefully later I'll have pics to post from the event.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Random but hilarious

Here are some hilarious random pics I found on the net the other day:

Wow. Pretty sure that one was lost in translation.

Wait, what?

He he. This one was just too good to pass up.

BTW, I cannot recommend that you go to the "engrish.com" this is cited on the pics. I got these pics from a different website, and I don't thing that this "engrish" website is a very good website to be going to. Just a disclaimer.


I found some fun icons today when I was surfing in all my spare time. Ha! Anyway. Here they are:

So true. Pretty sure I'm about as possessive of my coffee as Gollum was of the ring.

Unfortunately, this one is very true, too. I have no boyfriend because I have no life because I'm a music major. But I love it!

Ha ha! He's...running...with...scissors. Oh wow. That's rich.

This one reminded me of the Wretch.

Mm hm.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Spirit Week

This past week was spirit week here at MBBC! Super fun. Here's some pics:

So Monday was duct tape day. Some people got really creative with it! Here's just a few of my personal favorites. We had Superman, Batman, Red Green, the Tin Man, etc.

Tuesday was Monocromatic Day. It was sweet to look across chapel and see nothing but black, white, and grey.

Wednesday...Hawaiian Day. No one went too extreme on Wednesday. We had a few guys wearing grass skirts, but that was about as crazy as it got.

Thursday was Blue and Gold Day (our school colors). 'Bout the craziest it got was this one guy's yellow suit. Wow. I don't even want to know where he got that thing. But when I was walking into the gym, one of my friends was giving me a hard time about my lack of extreme-ness (AKA: tackiness), and when I explained to him that it was because I didn't have much of anything blue or gold in my wardrobe, he put his blue and gold hat on my head. Later I found a picture of it on the Crusader Net. Wierd that the camera person was there with the camera ready at just the right moment. Anyway, here's the pic.

Friday was class color day. Pretty sure that was my favorite day. We had "crazy chapel" where each class got in a different corner, and then we had competitions. You know, the kind that make the competitors look like fools? Yeah. Hilarious. So a bunch of sophomore guys stayed up super late Thursday night making this bus out of cardboard and duct tape. Sweet. They fit like 7 guys in there and they were walking it up and down in front of the sophomores' bleachers. It was rich.