Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Skating Party
This is me and Bethany Thomas. Kaitlyn Ascher took this picture, so that accounts for the fact that most of us got cut off. = )
This is me and Jill with Kaitlyn, Bethany, the girl whose name I do not know, Megan Ellis, and two boys who randomly came and got in the picture. As you can see, we were standing right under the smoke machine. = )

Me and Kaitlyn and Bethany. They are so cute!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Graduation Day

This is me and my cousin, Nik. He went on a missions trip to Africa this semester, and he plans to go back, at least for a little while, to help out there. Kudos, Nik!
This is me and Susie Ferris, a fellow music major. She and her sisters are sort of adopted siblings to my cousins, so I guess that makes them my adopted cousins...or something.

Hilarious Coffee Cup

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This is me and Jen and Lindsay in the dining hall. It was our last time this semester to eat lunch together!

This is me and my friend Julie. We were heading up to supper together tonight, and we noticed that we matched! Yay! Lol. So we decided to take a picture to put on our respective blogs. (We both put our entire lives on our blog.)