Orchestra Concert

This is the trombone section scarfing down our pizza.

This is me and some of the winds who were waiting for our turn to play. We didn't even know Adam was in the picture! Jerk. =)
My life in pictures...
We went to this ice cream place that had one of those "eat this monstrous amount of food and you'll get it for free!" things. So Riis decided to try it. He didn't succeed, but he still got his name put up on a wall under "attempts." Pretty funny.
Some of the guys got marshmallow guns from one of the houses they stayed at. You stick a marshmallow in that top hole and then blow it at people. Here we have Dan Howe and Jon Bennett terrorizing Dr. Ledgerwood.
This is a big group of us at Navy Pier. We were all walking along the pier in a huge mob of jean skirts and collared shirts. Onlookers must have been thouroughly confused. = )
We went to a mall for a little while on Saturday, and some of the people went into Pac Sun or someplace like that and dressed up Jon Bennett and Fraser Armstrong. Jon looks like a surfer dude.
And Fraser just looks like a pimp. Or maybe a nerd trying to fit in at a public high school...in California...or something.
I don't really remember what I was doing, other than someone randomly whipped out their camera to take a picture of me, and just as they did, Riis thrust his apple in my face. Whatever it was that was going on, I came out looking pretty funny. = )
If you really want to look at more pictures from Chambers tour, go here.
Angelina looks like she's telling someone off. She's so funny!
Mexican with an attitude.
If I saw us on the street, I think I'd cry. And maybe run. For dear life.
You can't really tell too much, but I even dyed my hair for the occasion! With the kind that washes out in 8 washes, not the permanent kind. It was supposed to be black, but it just made my hair dark brown with a purplish tint to it. Ha ha! I was gonna wash it all out right away, but I was kind of digging it, so I decided to just let it wash out slowly. So my hair's still purplish brown. And will be for about a week! Sweetness! .com! (That was for Deb. Pah hah!)
Me and Sarah. Again, no idea what she's doing. Wow, Sarah, wow.
Whoa! Who are those hot mamas? Too bad my sunglasses aren't as cool as Angelina's.
There's all of us who watched the movie together! Yay movie night!
After the movie we went mattress surfing down the basement hallway. It was pretty much the bomb.com. We would run and then dive onto the mattresses. It was wicked fun! When we got bored of that we started mattress surfing down the stairs! Then we had to stop because people were trying to sleep. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!